If you go down to the woods today, you never know what you might find. A curious little dragon meets a new friend, but he’s not sure what to make of him at all. Apparently, it’s called a Benjamin, but the Benjamin doesn’t have any wings, scales or even a tail! Luckily, boys and dragons both like football. If only the grown-up Benjamins were as friendly! Still, the unlikely pair remain the best of friends and the dragon promises to meet the Benjamin’s teacher one day… or was that eat his teacher?!
Guess What I Found in Dragon Wood
Publication date: January, 2007

Puffin Age range:Picture booksIllustrator:Gwen Millward Dragon Wood, friendship Buy: Paperback
Puffin Age range:Picture booksIllustrator:Gwen Millward Dragon Wood, friendship Buy: Paperback
In a bit of role reversal, a young dragon happens upon a small “Benjamin” in the woods and brings him home to show the parents. Though the new “pet” is strangely averse to the offered dinner of stinky fish and worms, and at school the next day turns out to have neither scales nor tail, he does teach the whole dragon class a wonderful new game called “soccer.” Seeing that he’s lonely, though, the narrator at last flies him back to the land of the Benjamins—and returns bemused at how excited all the other Benjamins became at the appearance of a dragon. In cartoon illustrations, Millward places the human lad amidst big, lumpish, un-scary-looking dragons with tiny wings, then closes with a scene showing how exciting soccer practice can be when the players breathe fire. A big die-cut hole through the front cover kicks this import’s appeal up even further.
Kirkus Reviews
Kirkus Reviews
The magical, delicately coloured, tendrilly illustrations gently highlight the differences between dragons and Benjamins, wittily exploring different page layouts. Although initially focussing on their differences, it's the things they share which underpin Dragon and Benjamin's unconventional friendship.
Book Trust
Book Trust