What would you do if your eyebrows disappeared? Would you notice? Would you care? When Eleanor’s eyebrows disappear, she doesn’t care one bit. After all what’s the point of eyebrows – they’re just two silly, scruffy, hairy little bits of fluff! This hilarious and surreal book follows the eyebrows’ adventures as extra legs for an ant pretending to be a spider, a twirly moustache for a magician and a furry exclamation mark.
Eleanor’s Eyebrows
Publication date: August, 2021

Simon and Schuster Age range:Picture booksIllustrator:David Tazzyman Buy: Paperback | Kindle
Simon and Schuster Age range:Picture booksIllustrator:David Tazzyman Buy: Paperback | Kindle
Timothy Knapman's text is delightfully silly and even without the pictures… The story is cute and funny and skillfully weaves in a message about accepting yourself (and your eyebrows) for who you are. David Tazzyman's illustrations are everything you'd expect from the man responsible for bringing us the face of Mr Gum and they made me giggle just as much as the text.
Awfully Big Reviews
Awfully Big Reviews
This is a delightfully silly and endearing tale of a little girl learning to accept her own appearance. With illustrations by David Tazzyman, of Mr Gum fame, it is certain to make children giggle.